The Transfer Portal Is The Best Thing Ever… For HS Prospects

The Transfer Portal Is The Best Thing Ever… For HS Prospects

Production vs Potential reigns supreme

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’re well aware that the landscape of college basketball recruiting has changed. And while that is true, the doom and gloom prediction for high school players is a bit overstated. If anything, it’s never been a better time to be a high school player. The main reason, can be summed up in one word, flexibility. 20, 30 years ago if you were a Low Major prospect out of high school, you remained a Low Major player throughout your college career. The concept of playing well, and leveling up wasn’t a thing, and that was at the D1 level, let alone at lower ones.

Welcome to 2024, where today’s D2 star are tomorrow’s March Madness heroes. Exhibit A Jack Gohlke an unassuming D2 player that averaged 14 points per game for Division II Hillsdale, turned March Madness Superhero after a remarkable 1st round performance that included a 10, three point make performance against Blue Blood Kentucky. The success wasn’t just limited to one hit wonders. Jaylen Wells, spent one year at Sonoma St before a breakout season led to him leveling up to Washington St, now he’s in the NBA draft.

What does this mean for you Mr. High School prospect? It means that unlike year’s past, you can hang on to that D1 dream a little longer. No longer is your college basketball career limited to what you are projected as a high school player. now with the evolution of the transfer portal, you can allow something as simple as maturity to do it’s work. In addition to gaining a couple extra inches and pounds, players can now benefit from the structure and more sophisticated training programs of universities, vs their high school counterparts. All of these things give you the high school player a huge advantage. So how do you take advantage? Well the first step is identifying a level that you can play out of high school, and attacking it with reckless abandon both on the court and in the class room. The next step is to schedule a Free Recruiting Consultation to see if we can help you identify that level.

Looking to give your child the Recruiting Edge?

Bruce Williams is currently the SR Regional Scout for PrephoopsNevada the owner of 7outz, and the Editor and Chief of the Regional Roundball Review, a service that provides player evaluations to college coaches. He has developed a reputation as a hard-working scout who provides accurate, and unbiased information to College Basketball coaches. He spends countless hours in the gym building connections with college coaches of all levels. To Find out how you can leverage these connections to help increase your student-athletes chances at getting a college scholarship follow him on the accounts below.


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